This page is a curated list of the tools that empower me as a software developer. Discovering pages like this has been a game-changer for me, providing valuable insights into optimizing workflows and uncovering hidden gems in the tech toolbox.

Pages like this is a goldmine for discovering new tools that elevate productivity and enhance the developer experience.

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  • Nord: I love the color palette and the monochrome aspect
    • I can’t imagine myself returning to a non-monochrome theme. I feel the variety of colors of a non-monochrome theme tends to be distracting when programming
    • I use the theme everywhere possible, this includes: NeoVim, terminal emulators, wallpaper/os theme, iphone, apple watch, and any other tools that allows theme customization


Operating System
  • OpenSUSE Tumbleweed: My preferred OS for both WSL and personal laptop. Offers stability, reliability, and I am a big fan of the rolling release model
  • NeoVim
  • zsh with plugins:
    • z
    • vim motion
    • git
    • zsh-highlighting
  • lsd: Replacement for ls
  • k9s: Kubernetes TUI – Built in Go, has dogs, and is a terminal tool. It couldn’t get any better
  • bat: Replacement for cat
  • jq: JSON processor
  • Komorebi: A tiling window manager for Windows. WSL, combined with Komorebi, makes working with Windows significantly better.
  • Obsidian: Moved from Notion to Obsidian mainly becaue of the support of vim motions. It is very customizable
  • Vimium: Browser extension that provides keyboard shortcuts in the spirit of Vim
  • HUGO: This website is powered by HUGO. Super fast static generator built in Go
  • AWS S3
  • AWS CloudFront
  • GitHub


  • Keychron K9 Pro 60%: I absolutely love the support for QMK/VIA, which let me change my keyboard shortcuts to keep as closely as possible with vim.
  • Logitech MX Master 3
  • Single Monitor: When programming, I prefer minimal distraction. Knowing keyboard shortcuts makes additional monitors mostly unnecessary for me.
  • Sony WH-1000XM3